Monday, February 16, 2009

Right before mom and dad drove me back to the Columbus airport, I got to have lunch with mom, Kenzie and Allison. Yum- Frisch's fish sandwich and tartar sauce! Kenzie's favorite part was opening the Sweet 'N' Low packets and drinking through the crazy straw. Goodbyes were tearful (we are Brinkman girls, you know), but I really enjoyed just getting to hang out before heading back home to Texas.

Say Cheese!

You know me and my pictures! I'll have people take TONS of shots to get just the right picture- the perfect smile. Allison was a good sport while she tried to capture a great Kenzie/Aunt Ernie moment.

Play time!

I was up in Ohio for the scrapbooking weekend with my friends. On my last night in town, I got to stay with the Dettmers and party with Mackenzie!!! She had tons on fund playing in her kitchen and in the tee pee that MawMaw made for her. Kenzers also liked playing with MawMaw, especially when she got to sit on her head. :)

John and I took a roadtrip to Baton Rouge, LA, in late January to see our XU Muskies play/beat the LSU Tigers. The 7 hour drive was very pleasant, but parts were kind of depressing- you could still see some of the damage done by Katrina. LSU campus was pretty cool, and the fans provided friendly competition in the stands. The best part of our whole adventure was getting to meet Coach Sean Miller and the team. John got autographs from most of the players who were really excited/grateful to see XU fans at an away game. Awesome time!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hangin' with the Beagle...

A lazy Sunday afternoon with Beau:

First we check out the backyard for any stray rabbits

Then you go on guard duty while Erin works on laundry...
and After some snuggle time with "mommy"...
It's time for a well-deserved nap...

It's a rough job being a beagle!

Xmas Decorations in Texas

We are finally posting some pics! Woohoo!
Here are a few shots of the inside and outside decorations of the house just in time for Christmas.



Our Willow Tree Nativity Set:

Our Tree:

Merry Xmas!!!